Welcome to Stader's Community Governance Forum!

Welcome to the Stader Community Governance Forum!

This forum is created to have community-driven discussions that guide decision making at Stader. This forum is for all members of our community - whether you’re just getting started with Stader, are an active user, or a Stader token ($SD) holder.

Here’s how you can contribute to the Forum:
1. Initiate discussions: Submit proposals on topics that steer the direction for the protocol.
2. Proposals have to go through the Governance Mechanism, if they fall under the following topics-

  • Any implication on smart contract parameters for liquid staking
  • Changes to validator selection criteria
  • Changes to fees
  • SD token related
  • Treasury management and SD staking
    Proposals beyond the scope of these topics can be implemented with an approval from the Stader Core Team

3. Be heard: Share your opinions & thoughts on proposals
4. Governance: Vote on proposals (Coming soon)

Forum discussions may cover topics relevant at a Stader level (across chains) or can be blockchain specific (relates to one or more chains). While creating a topic, please use the following tags to help organize discussions better:

  • Stader: To be used if the topic is relevant to all community members
  • Blockchain Name i.e., BNB, Polygon, Hedera, Near, Fantom, Terra, Aptos: To be used depending on which blockchain/s the topic is relevant to.

You can contribute to Governance discussions under the below 4 categories.

  1. Announcements & Updates The one-stop place for updates & announcements on Stader
  2. Non-grant Proposals Any partnership/integrations that don’t have a grant/incentive attached.
  3. Grants & Incentives Proposals Any proposal that has an implication on grants or incentives.
  4. General Any topic that doesn’t fall into the above categories

Come say hi and introduce yourself in the Welcome Thread!