Welcome to the Stader Community Governance Forum!
This forum is created to have community-driven discussions that guide decision making at Stader. This forum is for all members of our community - whether you’re just getting started with Stader, are an active user, or a Stader token ($SD) holder.
Here’s how you can contribute to the Forum:
1. Initiate discussions: Submit proposals on topics that steer the direction for the protocol.
2. Proposals have to go through the Governance Mechanism, if they fall under the following topics-
- Any implication on smart contract parameters for liquid staking
- Changes to validator selection criteria
- Changes to fees
- SD token related
- Treasury management and SD staking
Proposals beyond the scope of these topics can be implemented with an approval from the Stader Core Team
3. Be heard: Share your opinions & thoughts on proposals
4. Governance: Vote on proposals (Coming soon)
Forum discussions may cover topics relevant at a Stader level (across chains) or can be blockchain specific (relates to one or more chains). While creating a topic, please use the following tags to help organize discussions better:
- Stader: To be used if the topic is relevant to all community members
- Blockchain Name i.e., BNB, Polygon, Hedera, Near, Fantom, Terra, Aptos: To be used depending on which blockchain/s the topic is relevant to.
You can contribute to Governance discussions under the below 4 categories.
- Announcements & Updates The one-stop place for updates & announcements on Stader
- Non-grant Proposals Any partnership/integrations that don’t have a grant/incentive attached.
- Grants & Incentives Proposals Any proposal that has an implication on grants or incentives.
- General Any topic that doesn’t fall into the above categories
Come say hi and introduce yourself in the Welcome Thread!