SD Token Emissions Budget - July 2023

Hey everyone,

Here’s the July’23 budget for the Stader ecosystem. This post shall give a summarized breakdown of estimated SD emissions across supported chains and respective platforms.

July’23 SD Rewards budget:

The July’23 budget calls for 180,723 SD (actual 170,519 SD + 6% buffer).**

A buffer of 10,204 SD is kept to account for unexpected price fluctuations over the month.

Please note- the SD token price used for the calculation is a 7-day vWAP ($0.83). The budget in USD is $150,000.

We request the community to share feedback, if any. You can access the data here.

** ETH spends are yet to be finalized and will be updated once final


I can see non-ETHx-related SD emissions tapering down.


All eyes on Ethereum. :slight_smile:


As Mariella pointed above, glad to see SD incentives for the rest of the chains going down from 230k$ to 150k$ in just a month.

A 33% optimization that will definitely make emissions more appealing for Node Operators looking to acquire and hold SD as collateral to run validators with Stader.